Please eat a normal breakfast or lunch before your appointment.
You can assist us by bringing with you at the time of your consultation:
* Your referral slip and any x-rays if applicable.
* A list of medications you are presently taking, with the dosage and how many time taken.
* Medical or dental insurance cards and/or plan information.
IMPORTANT: A parent or guardian must accompany all patients under 18 at all visits.
******Please alert the office if you have to pre-medicate before any dental procedures. Also, alert us if you have any medical condition that may be of concern prior to any treatment (i.e... allergies, diabetes, high blood pressure, artificial heart valves or joints, rheumatic fever, congenital heart defect or a history of endocarditis, ect...) taking any medications, whether over the counter, prescription or herbal.
Please continue to take all medications as prescribed by your physician.